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REGISTER Today for our 

 IABT/IABT Multisport Racing

Youth & Junior Tri-Conference/Expo Event 2019!   

2019 Youth & Junior TRI-Conference/EXPO
  • Learn the Importance of MARKETing OneSELF

  • Launching A Sports-Centered Business 

  • Networking to Grow Your Business Goals

  • Learn How to Write a Winning Essay 

  • Financing Your Sport- Centered Business or Hobby 

  • How to Land a Sport-Centered Internship 

  • The Best Ways 2 Communicate Effectively

  • Understanding Your Credit Worthiness 

  • Unlocking Your Leadership Traits 

  • Understanding Your GPA & Athletic Success

  • Mental Health & Athlete Success

  • Understanding NCAA Requirements as an Athlete

Workshop Topics

IABT / IABT Multisport Racing Youth & Junior Tri-Conference® / Expo*Event
**join our mailing list for early 2019 event registration updates!**
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